PreK and 1st grade
A playful, interactive classroom presentation introducing differences and disabilities using dolls or small hand puppets, adaptive equipment, song, storytelling, and American Sign Language. Early learners discuss what it means to be a friend, help a puppet character navigate feelings around being teased, and learn that everyone is connected by the need for friendship and inclusion.
Program length: 30 - 40 minutes
2nd through 5th grade
A theatrical puppet show with large, multicultural kid-sized puppets and smaller sock puppets. The show focuses on inclusion, differences/disabilities, and character development. Student audiences interact directly with the teaching artists in engaging, honest discussions, leading to a deeper, more personal understanding of belonging.
Program length: 45 - 55 minutes
Small groups
Multi-week residencies for individual classes featuring simple puppet creation, puppetry techniques, improvisation, and storytelling. Weekly exercises allow students to explore issues with their puppet characters including identity, community, bullying, and gender. As students develop their characters, creativity, cooperation, and empathy are encouraged.
Program length: 45-55 minutes